Implemented projects
- Scientific event “European Constitutionalism: state and perspectives” Funded under Research council of Lithuania
- Funding of projects implementing Historical Memory Conservation Initiatives by the Ministry of Culture: project — International Conference “European Constitutionalism: state and perspectives”
- EU project “Compliance assessment of measures of Lithuania to transpose EU Directive 2016/800 (on procedural safeguard for children who are suspects or accused persons in criminal proceedings) and legal consultancy on practical implementation of this Document”
- Study to support the preparation of the initiative to extend the list of EU crimes in Article 83 of the Treaty on the functioning of the EU to hate speech and hate crime (JUST/2020/PRAC/FW/RIGHT/0136)
- Postdoctoral traineeship “Options for extending the criminal law response to psychological domestic violence”
- EU project “Study on freezing confiscation and asset recovery in Lithuania”
- Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education Project „SMARTRURAL: towards smart rural tourism development in Europe”
- Core Network of correspondents of the project for Updating the European Consumer Law Database
- Completeness and conformity assessment of Member States measures to transpose Directive (EU) 2016/343: Country Report Lithuania
- Workshop on regulating Lawyers through Disciplinary Systems
- Strengthening and developing the activities of the Communication and Technology Transfer Center
- Reappraising Intellectual Debates on Civic Rights and Democracy in Europe (RECAST)
- Solar PV on the Distribution Grid: Smart Integrated Solutions of Distributed Generation based on Solar PV, Energy Storage Devices and Active Demand Management / iDistributedPV
- Integration Study of Future Law, Ethics and Intelligent Technologies (FUTURE) / Ateities Teisės, Etikos ir Intelektualių Technologijų Integralumo Studija (ATEITIS)
- Jean Monnet “EU Criminal Law and Policy”
- The Development of the Public Electronic Services of the Lithuanian Language Syntactic and Semantic Analysis Information System (SEMANTICS 2)
- Book „The Law of the Baltic States”
- Description of the Public Security field of study
- The Concept of Legal Ethics Regulation and Improvement of Education