Integration Study of Future Law, Ethics and Intelligent Technologies (FUTURE)

While the unprecedented technological advances of the recent decades have had a number of positive effects in almost every area of human life, they have also brought significant concerns in how the rapidly growing development and utilization of smart technologies relates to future law and ethics. This project aims to solve the problem of how to regulate the development of smart technologies and robotics to increase the welfare of society without violating its fundamental values.

One of the main goals of the project is to create a network of students, researchers and scholars within the field of law and to improve their qualification competences, as well as to promote the international exchange of scientific ideas through the implementation of interdisciplinary ethics and law research of smart information technologies and robotics. On the basis of the exchange, an attempt will be made to create guidelines and models for the legal regulation of future technologies that would stimulate the development thereof while contributing to public welfare without violating the values of society. In order to achieve its goals, the project seeks to carry out the following tasks: to reveal the theoretical provisions and problems of transformations of ethics and law regarding smart information technologies and robotics, as well as to prepare the research methodology for these problems; to substantiate the legal regulation guidelines of smart information technologies and robotic law that would increase the welfare of society while securing its fundamental values; to prepare the legal and ethical study modules and training guidelines for improving the qualification competences within the areas of smart technologies and robotics; as well as to promote the international exchange of ideas, scholars and students through implementation of a specialized network of researchers working in the fields of ethics and law of smart technologies.

In order to successfully carry out the tasks of the project, it is planned to implement the following specific activities: (i) preparation of research methodology, analysis of scientific literature and identification of the most problematic aspects of smart technologies, ethics and present legal regulation; (ii) preparation of the legal regulation guidelines for smart technologies; (iii) preparation of exemplary models for ethical and legal studies on smart technologies; (iv) formation of the database and making contacts with scholars who are researching the project field; lastly, (v) preparation of guidelines for qualification improvements of legal professionals.

Project’s website