EU Labor Law (ES darbo teisė)

Dalykas dėstomas anglų kalba!

Paskaitos vyks: 2019 m. kovo 18-22 d. bei 25-27 d., 15-17:30 val.

Paskaitų vieta: VDU Teisės fakultetas, Jonavos g. 66 (206 a.), Kaunas

Dėstytoja: Dr. Evelina Žurauskaitė


The course offers an overview of the historical development of labour regulation and the evolution of EU labour law. It examines international and regional sources of labour law, the link between trade and labour regulation and covers, from comparative perspective, the main current challenges to labour law, such as the scope of application of labour legislation, the question of distinction between subordinated work and self-employment and types of flexible employment relationship. The course focuses, in particular, on the influence of the EU law to ‘standard’ and ‘non-standard’ employment relationship, namely, the protection of workers in case of transfer of undertakings and collective redundancy, protection of migrant workers and the prohibition of discrimination at work.

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