Magnusson & Partners scholarship

The Professional Partnership of Advocates Magnusson & Partners whose goal is to foster VMU Law faculty students‘ social activity and academic performance,on 15 December 2010,founded a year memorial Magnusson & Partners scholarship (further Scholarship).
The Scholarship is awarded on the basis of the following:

1. The Scholarship is awarded to a fourth year VMU Law faculty student following a unanimous agreement between VMU Law faculty and the Professional Partnership of Advocates Magnusson & Partners.

2. The students have to submit their candidatures themselves if they think they comply with the requirements.

3. The students wishing to apply for the Scholarship should submit the necessary documents until 15 September of every year.

4. In order to receive the Scholarship, the student has to comply with these requirements:

4.1. be a fourth year student of VMU Law faculty;

4.2. have a grade point average no lower than 8;

4.3. be socially active.

5. The social activity is evaluated on the basis of:

5.1. active participation in VMU Law faculty ativities or

5.2. active particiapation in Lithuanian Lawyers Association activities or

5.3. active participation in scientific research or

5.4. active participationin the European Law Students’ Association activities or

5.5. active participationwhile spreading legal educationor participation providing free legal representation to underpriviledged clients or

5.7. contribution to the popularisation of VMU Law faculty in a variety of other ways.

6. In order to receive the Scholarship, the candidate has to submit the following documents toVMU Law faculty:

6.1. curriculum vitae;

6.2. motivation letter explaining why he considers himself a good candidate for the Scholarship

7. While awarding a Scholarship, student‘s academic performance is assessedevaluating the last exam session results

8. After receiving all the necessary documents, the Professional Partnership of Advocates Magnusson & Partners together with VMU Law faculty analyses them carefully and take the decision concerning the Scholarship. When the decision is being taken, the award of the Scholarship is based on 40 percent of academic performance, 30 per cent of social activity, and 30 per cent is VMU Law faculty‘s decision.

9. The winner will receive a scholarship is the amount of½ minimal monthly salary

10. The Scholarship is awarded for one school year, from September until June of the next year.

11. If the student disrupts or ceases studies at VMU Law faculty,he or she loses the right to receive the Scholarship

12. TheSchoarship, typically with appropriate certificate,is presented to the winner during the rectorate‘s meeting.

Professional Partnership of Advocates Magnusson & Partners