Petras Leonas scholarship
The Board of Lithuanian Lawyers Society (LTD) striving to popularize the ideas of Petras Leonas, the founder of the Society, and aiming to encourage young lawyers to take interest in historical legal Lithuanianlegacy, in 20 December 2000, established memorial Petras Leonas scholarship (further Scholarship).
The scholarship is awarded on the basis of the following rules:
1. The Scholarship is awarded to the student enrolled in the bachelor’s or master’s of law study program following the Lithuanian Lawyers Society(further – Society) decision. The student also has to study at the university registered in the Republic of Lithuania.
2.The Scholarship is awarded to full time unemployed students who are gaining university degree for the first time (or equivalent degree)
3. The candidature to receive the Scholarship is suggested by the Student Association of Law faculties, The European Law Students’ Association (further ELSA) or the branch of the association, Student‘s Scientific Society, or Lithuanian Lawyers Society section of young lawyers.
4. One or several students‘ candidaturesaresubmitted to the Society’s board during the winter semester no later than 2 March, and in spring semester no later than 20 September.
5. The candidate has to fulfill the following requirements:
5.1. to study full time onbachelor‘s or master‘s level(or equivalent to them);
5.2. two semesters in a row demonstrate excellent or very good study results;
5.3. be unemployed.
6. The priority is given, if the student:
6.1. actively participates in activities of LithuanianLawyers Society, or
6.2. actively participates in scientific legal research, or
6.3. actively participates in the activities of European Law Students’ Association, or
6.4. actively participates in the spread of legal education of the citizens, or
6.5. actively participates in providing free legal representation to underpriviledged clients.
7. In order to get the scholarship the candidate has to submit the following documents
7.1. curriculum vitae;
7.2. atranscript of academic performance of two last semesters;
7.3. recommendationto award the scholarship to the named student from Lithuanian Law Society branch of young lawyers, or’s (faculty‘s) Student Representation recommendation to award a Scholarship to the named student, or
7.5. university‘s (faculty‘s) Student Scientific Society’s recommendation to award theScholarship , or
7.6. or university‘s (faculty‘s) ELSA recommendation to award theScholarship.
8. When awarding a scholarship student‘s academicperformance isevaluated by two last exam session results calculated average
9. The Society after receiving all the necessary documents analyses the documents and recommendations and takes a decision concerning the award of the Scholarship
10. The size of the Scholarship is determined by the Societyconsidering every case separately
11. The Scholarship together with the certificate is usually awarded in the Society’s annual general meeting before the New Year.
The rules regulating the PetrasLeonas memorial scholarship were passed by the Lithuanian Lawyers Society in a decision made on April 29 2009
Chairman of Lithuanian Lawyers Society dr. Stasys Šedbaras.