PhD Students Are Invited to Transform4Europe Conference on Cities
Doctoral students are invited to register and present papers at the conference City – Liberty. Identity. Innovation, which will be held on 24–28 April at the University of Silecia (Katowice, Poland) by Transform4Europe. Registration of PhD students is open online until 13 March.
The city – place where democracy, philosophy and institutions of law were born. For centuries an island of freedom and self-government, a forum for dialogue, trade, where cultures meet. The heart of the university tradition, a source of ideas, innovation and development. Beginning in ancient Greece and Rome, through the free city of the feudal era and capitals of nationstates to cosmopolitan metropolises – cities have significantly shaped European identity. What is a city and what role does it have to play in the modern world? We would like to invite you to the discussion.
With experts of different nationalities and many disciplines we want to look at the phenomenon of the city from the historical, sociological, political, urban, environmental, cultural and other points of view. Thus “the city” will constitute a common platform for interdisciplinary deliberations on the role of urban centers, their specifics, perspectives and challenges they have faced and will facing in the 21st century.
The main fields of the conference:
- History and philosophy
- Law and local government
- Political and social sciences
- Culture and art
- Environment and innovation
Each Transform4Europe university will delegate 7 PhD students to the conference. A commission of experts established by VMU will select seven doctoral students of VMU who will participate in the event.
PhD students will be able to choose the most convenient way to travel to Poland and where to stay, but please note that travel costs cannot exceed EUR 380.00 and accommodation costs’ daily allowance is EUR 65.00.