Financial-Legal Literacy Manual for Europe

As part of the EU co-funded Erasmus+ project (Unique Code: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080562 ; KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices) titled “Financial-Legal Literacy for Europe” (FIN-LEG-LIT) (, the Financial-Legal Literacy Manual for Europe (the Manual), was developed Finleglit | Financial-Legal Literacy for Europe

Since its launch in October 2020, the FIN-LEG-LIT project has united five partner organizations from four participating countries (in alphabetical order):
• Bulgaria (European Multicultural Association)
• France (Eurl Aristote and OENE – Organisation for Empowerment and Non-Formal Education)
• Lithuania (VšĮ Finansų teisės institutas).

The lead author of the Manual is Dr. Tomas Veršinskas, supported by Rokas Lazdauskas and Rokas Liaudinskas, all from VšĮ Finansų teisės institutas. All project partners contributed specific data and knowledge collected during the project, supporting the elaboration of the Manual and ensuring the translation of the Manual into their respective linguistic versions. The illustrations of the Manual were prepared by Hervé Pinel. The Manual was reviewed by the financial expert Andrius Normantas and the legal expert Mantas Meizeraitis.

This Manual is a comprehensive resource aimed at enhancing the financial and legal literacy of citizens across the European Union. Based on the materials of the Manual, the FIN-LEG-LIT project has also developed the Online E-learning Tool (the E-Tool), offering accessible online financial-legal education, enabling learning in any environment, at any time. The Manual and the E-Tool are available in five languages: Bulgarian, English, French, Italian, and Lithuanian. The Manual was published in both paper format and pdf version, available at Finleglit | Financial-Legal Literacy for Europe