Expert activities

Prof. dr. Julija Kiršienė

  • Member of the Council of Innovative Economics of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania

The aim of the Council is to strengthen the cooperation between state institutions, business and scholarly community, to provide with the convenient environment to implement innovations in business with the aim of sustainable economy development and increasing the competitiveness of Lithuanian economy.

  • Member of Judicial Court of Honour of the National Courts Administration

Professor Julija Kiršienė, as representative of society, is serving as the member of the Judicial Court of Honour, which is self- governing authority of courts to hear judicial disciplinary cases and petitions of judges for defense of honor of the judge, appointed by the Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. The Court of Honor is constituted from ten members for the period of commission of the Judicial Council. After review of a disciplinary case the Judicial Court of Honour may dismiss a disciplinary action or impose a disciplinary sanction.

  • Member of Management Board of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

The members of the management board in the Agency are responsible for the definition of the Agency’s priorities, the establishment of the budget and for monitoring the Agency’s operation.

  • Member of the Science Committee of the Lithuanian University Rectors’ Conference (LURK)

As the member of Science Committee at the Lithuanian University Rectors’ Conference, professor Julija Kiršienė is already for three years involved in developing legal regulation of higher education and research. The main objectives of this entity is to promote Lithuanian scientific, educational, cultural and economic development, co-operation between higher education institutions and international networking as well as cooperation with governmental authorities and local self-government bodies. Its opinion and expertise is mandatory for new rules in higher education.

  • Chair of the Council of Kaunas Science and Technology Park

As the head of council of Kaunas Science and Technology Park, prof. Julija Kiršienė is already for two years involved in strategic issues of this entity. It is the first Lithuanian business incubator, founded in 1998, Kaunas. Vytautas Magnus University is one of three co-owners of this incubator. Council is composed from recognized business managers, vice minister of Ministry of Economics, researchers and discusses the issues policy making, and measures how to promote cooperation between science and business and provide businesses with an opportunity to enjoy the deliverables of research.

  • Member of Society of European Contract Law (SECOLA)

Julija Kiršienė in this organisation makes the corresponding research, takes part in the conferences, etc.


Dr. Paulius Astromskis

  • Member of the Payments Council (established by Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania and Bank of Lithuania)

Paulius Astomskis is in charge of the III Task Force/Group which explores the issues of the possibilities of new identity recognition means and the correspondence with the money laundering preventive measures.

  • Member of the Business Environment Committee of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists

Paulius Astromskis is the member of the Business Environment Committee in Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists which has the aim to make Lithuanian industry and business competitive in regional and global markets, promotes sustainable development of Lithuanian economy and the ensures the stability and growth of the businesses of the members of this organization.


Prof. Arkadiusz Radwan

  • Founder and President of the Allerhand Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

Tasks of Arkadiusz Radwan in this Institute are: organisation of activities; making research, interdisciplinary and comparative studies.

  • Advisory Board member of the Center for European Company Law

Tasks of Arkadiusz Radwan in this organization are: research, participation in the conferences and public hearings representing Poland in debates, expert groups, studies and consultations related to company law and corporate governance.


Prof. Gracienne Lauwers

  • Board member, founder, expert of the European Association of Education Law and Policy (ELA)

In this organizations Gracienne Lauwers is performing research, organizing conferences on education law and policy.


Assoc. Prof. Mindaugas Bilius

  • President of the Association of Private Detectives of Lithuania

Lithuanian private detective association was established in 2015. The main reason for the creation of the association was the new Lithuanian law regulating the activities of the private detectives. This law came into force on the year 2016. Mindaugas Bilius has worked in the Parliament group which prepared the draft of this law. Also, in 2015, he was elected as first president of the Lithuanian private detectives association.


Assoc. Prof. Tomas Berkmanas

  • Member of the Permanent Working Group on Legal Issues of the Lithuanian University Rectors’ Conference (LURK)

As the member of the Permanent Law Task Force at the Lithuanian University Rectors’ Conference, Tomas Berkmanas is already for almost three years involved in its activities, particularly related to academic ethics. In 2017, on the basis of this Task Force the separate Group on Academic Honesty and Ethics was formed which has given the tasks to prepare separate draft regulations/guidelines in this field, specifically, on the ethics of scholarly publications and on the ethical issues related to sexual harassment in academic environment. Tomas Berkmanas participates in this Group with specific tasks.

  • Member of the Examination Commission of Candidates to Judicial Office of the National Courts Administration

Tomas Berkmanas is serving as the member of the Examination Commission of Candidates to Judicial Office which examines the candidates to Lithuanian judicial office. The Commission is composed of seven persons for a period of three years by the Judicial Council. At least four members of the Commission must be judges. The Chairman of the Judicial Council shall nominate to the Examination Commission two judges and one academic having a law degree, whereas the largest judicial organisation and the Minister of Justice shall each nominate one judge and one academic having a law degree. Tomas Berkmanas was nominated by the Minister of Justice as academic having a law degree.

  • Member of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) (Lithuanian section)

Tasks of Tomas Berkmanas in this Association/Section is to make research, organize and participate in scientific activities and events.


Prof. dr. Edita Gruodytė

  • Member of the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN)

In this organization Edita Gruodytė takes part as an expert of the EU criminal law.

  • Member of the International Association of Legal Ethics

In this organization Edita Gruodytė, together with Julija Kiršienė, are experts on legal ethics, especially the situation in this field in Lithuania.


Prof. Charles Szymanski

  • President and member of the Labour Law Education Society (LLES)

Task of Charles Szymanski is to promote discussions and exchanging the experience and knowledge on different labour regulations and recent social changes.


Dr. Stefan Kirchner

  • Member of Various Interest Groups of the American Society of International Law

Stefan Kirchner is active participant of the American Society of International Law. Since the start of his participation he took part as a member in numerous interest groups (as Human Rights Interest Group, International Courts and Tribunals Interest Group, International Criminal Law Interest Group, International Economic Law Interest Group, International Legal Research Interest Group, International Legal Theory Interest Group, International Refugee Law Interest Group, Space Law Interest Group, Teaching International Law Interest Group, Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Interest Group, and so on).

  • Member of the University of the Arctic (International University Consortium),
    Thematic Network on Arctic Law

Task of Stefan Kirchner in this Network is to make a research on climate change on indigenous peoples in the Arctic, human rights in the Arctic, Arctic marine environment.


Dr. Aušrinė Pasvenskienė

  • Expert of the European Association of Education Law and Policy (ELA)

Aušrinė Pasvenskienė has been given with tasks of providing legal opinion, conducting research and participating in ELA’s conferences on education law matters.


Dr. Giedrė Cibulskaitė – Veršinskienė 

  • Member of the Organizational Committee of the Réseau de Jeunes Chercheurs en Histoire Culturelle

Task of Giedrė Cibulskaitė – Veršinskienė in this organization is to make research and projects on minorities’ rights.


Vygantas Malinauskas

  • Member of the Permanent Bilateral Commission of the Conference of Lithuanian Bishops and the Authorized Institution of the Republic of Lithuania for Cooperation in Education and Culture

The Commission is tasked with coordinating State financial support for conservation and restoration of movable and immovable cultural treasures belonging to the Catholic Church. Also, commission is authorized to make decisions concerning restoration of property rights to the cultural values confiscated by Soviet regime. As a member of commission Vygantas Malinauskas helped to draft proposals for financing requirements of restoration of cultural heritage, provided legal expertise concerning property rights restoration issues, participated in drafting of rules concerning fire prevention in sacral buildings.

  • Member of the Bilateral Commission on the Implementation of the Provisions of International Agreements with the Holy See

The bilateral commission is tasked with coordinating the implementation of international treaties with the Holy See, discussing and, if necessary, drafting the legislation needed to deal with issues arising from international treaties. Commission discusses issues on the bases of reports prepared by representatives of both sides of commission. Among other Vygantas Malinauskas prepared reports on discriminating criteria for public financing, on religion as a ground for employment in religious communities, on workers’ health and safety requirements in religious buildings, on legal proposals for protection of religious symbols and sacral objects.

  • Member of the COMECE (Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community) Legal Affairs Commission

Vygantas Malinauskas is the member of COMECE (Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community) Legal Affairs Commission in Brussels since 2015. Commission monitors ongoing legal work of the EU, especially in those areas with a direct impact on the work/functioning of the Catholic Church in the EU (legislation on work, data-protection, state-church relationship, fundamental rights, Art. 17 e.a.) and topics of importance for the State–Church relationship in the EU Member States.


Dainius Mocevičius

  • Member of the Kaunas Section Labor Disputes Commission of the State Labour Inspectorate under Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania

Dainius Mocevičius was delegated to this Commission by employers. This Commission is obligatory pretrial institution for labour disputes. It solves individual and collective labour legal disputes.