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International Conference on Constitutionalism in Europe

On Friday 25 November, the VMU Faculty of Law, in collaboration with International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) and European Humanities University, is organising the international conference titled Constitutionalism in Europe: Current Challenges and Prospec...

Erasmus+ Traineeship Competition for any country the world

A competition is open for Erasmus+ student or recent graduate traineeship grants for traineeships in any country in the world. Application deadline is the 13th of November, 2022. The placement period is from 2 to 6 months. Recent graduate traineeship must end – in a year after graduation. Select...

Admission to Master program “International Business Law and Technologies”

Overview This program is offered in response to the challenges posed by rapid digitalization and robotics to business law by combining relevant aspects of two branches/institutes of law – business and technology law. The aim of the master’s study program is to prepare highly qualified masters of l...

Outgoing Students

ttention! Vytautas Magnus University has announced a new possibility for VMU students to attend short term courses and summer schools abroad with VMU Mobility Scholarship! Short term courses and summer / winter schools are the exclusive possibility for VMU students to visit other country, get...

VMU Faculty of Law scholars start implementation of Jean Monnet project

During the period of 1-09-2017 - 31-08-2020 VMU Faculty of Law scholars will be implementing the project for creation of module „EU CRIMINAL LAW AND POLICY“, project number 585318-EPP-1-2017-1-LT-EPPJMO-MODULE. The project, after the successful approval of application, is co-funded by the Erasmus...